Got some eggs, vegetables and maybe some left-over meat in your fridge? Why not make some yummy mini omelettes that make themselves in the oven! What’s great about this recipe is that you can put in pretty much anything, and it will be delicious. We have used bell peppers, spinach and cherry tomatoes in this example, but you can use what ever you like. Onions, scallions, garlic, chili, bacon, chorizo, ham, chicken, and don’t even get me started on cheeses! Suddenly, you have 12 awesome little omelettes you can have for breakfast, lunch or just a late-night snack.

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  • Total Time: 45 minutes
  • Yield: 12 mini omelettes 1x


  • 12 eggs
  • vegetables by choice
  • meat by choice
  • cheese by choice
  • salt and pepper
  • fresh herbs
  • dried herbs


  1. Start off by pre-heating your oven to 180 °C / 360 °F
  2. Chop up your vegetables and meat, if you’re using it, into small bites.
  3. Crack 7 eggs into a mixing bowl. Separate 5 eggs, put the whites into the mix, and save the yolks for something else (how about a yummy spaghetti carbonara)
  4. Throw in salt and pepper, and your dried and fresh herbs.
  5. Mix it all together into a smooth mixture, either by hand or with a machine.
  6. Grease your muffin tins or baking tray with baking grease spray.
  7. Continue with putting the veg in the baking tray or tins, making sure to evenly distribute your greens into each compartment. Add meat the same way, if you’re using it.
  8. Pour in your egg mixture, making sure not to pour too much in the beginning, so you’ll end up having enough for all 12 omelettes.
  9. Sprinkle some cheese on top. You can also put cheese into the egg mix, for some extra cheesiness. Mmmm… Cheese…
  10. Put in the tray in the middle of the oven, and bake for around 25 minutes, until they are firm and not wobbly.


  • Prep Time: 20 minutes
  • Cook Time: 25 minutes

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