Red onions are really good. But do you know what’s even better than red onions? Pickled red onions!! They are so easy to make, and goes to almost anything! You can use them in salads, on tacos, and they are especially delicious on a nice, juicy hamburger! Another thing we love to use pickled red onions with is cheese. A piece of yummy, creamy Brie or even blue cheese, fresh bread and some pickled red onions on top? Yes, please! Not to mention on a nice grilled cheese sandwich.

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  • Total Time: 10 minutes, plus some waiting!
  • Yield: 1 mason jar 1x


  • For the pickling liquid, the measurements are 3 parts water, 2 parts sugar and 1 part vinegar. So for instance:
  • 4 small red onions
  • 3 dl / 1,5 cups water
  • 2 dl / 1 cup caster sugar
  • 1 dl / 0,5 cup white wine vinegar
  • 1 tsp whole black pepper corns
  • 1 bay leaf


  1. Chop up your onions as thin as possible, and put them in a mason jar. Make sure you use one that can take boiling water, for instance this one.
  2. Put the water, sugar, vinegar, pepper corns and the bay leaf in a pot, and let it boil up.
  3. When the liquid boils up and the sugar has dissolved, take it off the stove, and pour it over the onions in the mason jar.
  4. Let it cool down on, when it is cool, store it in your fridge. You don’t want to put something hot in your fridge, or it will increase the temperature in there, and potentially ruin both your food and fridge, and you don’t want that!
  5. The red onions will be perfect the day after, but if you can’t wait that long, they are delicious after an hour or so too!


Make sure you use a mason jar that can take boiling liquid. If you don’t have this, or are unsure if you do, just put the onions in the pot instead, and let it cool down on your kitchen counter. Then pour it into a clean container for storage. We recommend something made of glass, as plastic could give off some taste. We use these mason jars from Fido.

If you want more taste to your pickled red onions, experiment with the spices you put into the pickling liquid. Chili flakes, garlic, ginger… The options are endless! Let us know in the comments below what you like to use!

  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Cook Time: 5 minutes

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